Unemployment is a global challenge and it is not the sole responsibility of a specific State or organization. Addressing unemployment requires unified efforts at the global level to reduce its negative impacts, one of which includes societal instability.
Silatech has committed to providing 5 million jobs globally.
Creating and sustaining jobs and economic opportunities for youth needs combined efforts from governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private sector, universities, financial institutions, and the media to achieve this human objective.
Out of our belief in the wide impact that can be achieved from collaboration, Silatech works with a wide range of local, regional and international partners, and now have over 300 partners from various sectors. With their continued support and commitment to supporting youth, Silatech currently has all the necessary components to achieve its mandate. It has achieved remarkable results by connecting more than 2 million young women and men with employment and economic opportunities in many countries in Africa and the Middle East. The organisation has taken tangible steps to expand in new regions and countries to reach more youth.
If you represent one of the following entities, and believe in the importance of activating the role of youth to achieve social and economic stability in their societies, share the responsibility.