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Zakaria Nechchadi - Morocco

Zakaria Nechchadi’s Heartfelt Journey from Aspiration to Reality with Silatech/EFE-Maroc

In the bustling halls of Akdital Hospital, Zakaria Nechchadi, a newly trained nurse, tends to his patients with confidence and expertise that belies his recent entry into the medical field. Zakaria’s professional journey, marked by transformative education, is a shining example of the impactful collaboration between Education for Employment (EFE) Maroc, Silatech, and the Gates Foundation.

Before his training with EFE-Maroc, Zakaria faced a challenging job search. While exploring various opportunities allowed him to understand the market better, it highlighted a mismatch between his skills and market needs. This realization motivated him to seek solutions and invest in his professional development.

Joining EFE-Maroc represented a strategic decision for Zakaria. The training he received was more than just education; it was a profound enrichment of his professional life. “The modules focusing on soft skills and ‘Work Readiness’ were particularly instructive,” he recalls. His gratitude extends deeply to Ms. Lamia Basraoui, the trainer whose passion and expertise enhanced his learning experience.

The impact of this training is evident. “The skills I acquired have not only boosted my self-confidence and improved my interpersonal communications but have also prepared me thoroughly for the world of work,” Zakaria explains. He seamlessly integrated into the healthcare sector with his new capabilities, ready to meet challenges head-on.

This transformative impact is part of a larger success story. To date, the collaboration between Silatech, EFE-Maroc, and the Gates Foundation led to employing over 3924 young men and women across various sectors in Morocco. The project, “A Chance to Reset: Reskilling, Empowerment towards Sustainable Employment to Thrive,” aims to place 8,175 youth into high-demand jobs, addressing the skills mismatch and high youth unemployment exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This initiative aligns with the Moroccan Government’s strategic focus on skill training and employment, especially for youth and women, to spur economic growth and recovery during and post-COVID-19. The project complements various national strategies, including the 2015-21 Vocational Education and Training (VET) Strategy, the National Employment Strategy, and the Industrial Acceleration Plan.

As Zakaria goes about his day at Akdital, each step he takes is a testament to the success of EFE-Maroc’s training programs and the powerful synergy between Silatech and the Gates Foundation. His story is just one of many that highlight the transformational power of tailored education and skill development in creating a brighter future for Morocco’s youth. Through this collaborative effort, an entire generation is empowered not only to grow their careers but also contribute significantly to their country’s development.